• Jenkins
  • Hudson
  • TeamCity
  • Travis
  • Chef
  • Puppet Labs
  • Ansible
  • VMWare
  • Docker
  • AWS
  • OpenStack
  • Delphix
  • OpenZFS
  • Flocker


/ What is

DevOps is a set of techniques that allows to automate processes between development teams and IT professionals so they can build, test and make software releases quicker and in more reliable way. The concept of DevOps in based on building a culture of cooperation between teams that traditionally worked separately. Among its advantages - the increased level of trust, faster software releases, rapid elimination of critical problems and readiness for unscheduled work.

DevOps is a culture, direction, philosophy

This is a strong partnership between development and operational teams with an emphasis on restructuring the way of thinking, more productive cooperation and closer integration. Agile-methodology, continuous delivery, automation is united in DevOps to improve the efficiency of teams, accelerate the introduction of innovations and create additional benefits from cooperation for organizations and customers.


DevOps is not:

  • certification
  • role
  • instruments
  • prescribed process

/ How it

This relatively new philosophy in IT sphere is based on continuity with 4 basic principles:


Continuous testing and quality control


Continuous feedback and optimization

To achieve DevOps basic goals automation is used. It is also very important to standardize the development environment. Improved workflows are achieved through more efficient change tracking, document management and an established error reporting process that provides developers the tools for environment monitoring and understanding IT infrastructure as more software-oriented.

DevOps methodology helps to achieve business goals in record time, reduces risks and improves the product quality. The continuity principle is observed in all its aspects and at all development stages and eliminates lack of interaction between developers, IT professionals and quality control engineers.

Any company can benefit from DevOps

/ Who needs
DevOps methodology?

The standard answer to this question will be companies that need to release new versions of their product very often. This is due to the fact that DevOps methodology contributes to the software development and delivery continuous process.

Applying to DevOps principles can be a profitable solution for any project, but in case of complex projects their profitability and success often depend on right application of this methodology. The more components they have to integrate (for example, in case of large enterprises systems with many modules that must function as a single unit) the more benefits they can get using DevOps.

Complexities arise when insufficient attention is paid not only to how the product should be developed but also to the form in which it should be provided to the customer. When there is no attention to details, DevOps can be a rescue.

Startups also can find DevOps methodology profitable because it is better than others can help to reduce costs and accelerate a development of a quality product. This will help to enter the market at the right time.

/ Why do
you need

Have you ever thought about how to make the way you work more productive, but do not know how to do it or how to demonstrate the results?

Using the integration and interaction of developers and specialists responsible for information and technical services, you can surpass your competitors in dozens, if not hundreds of times. There are three busyness advantages, that organizations gain from a transition to DevOps: fast market entry (e.g. shorter times of cycles and faster deployment rates), improved quality (increased availability, fewer failures, etc.), and increase in organizational efficiency (for example more time is spent on activities associated with increasing the value of the product, increasing the number of features delivered to customer).

The customer sees the evolution of the product or service in real time and always knows the stage of readiness of the product. He can better assess the quality of services and in case of misunderstandings - easily eliminate them.

With these approach problems are detected at early stages of appearance; thus they can be solved before the negative effect of them spreads like a virus.

The ultimate goal is to help to create an extremely adaptive and seamless architecture for the development and maintenance of the production system. The task of DevOps is to understand and see the system as one whole and act according to synergistic interests of it.


/ Advantages
of our
DevOps services

Lower infrastructure cost

Faster deployment times

Minimizes time and effort for error recovery

Better usability increases customer satisfaction

Constant learning and improvement

Harnessing security and data protection

No downtime in case of changes

/ DevOps
General Integration Services

Dexik helps to improve the development and deployment of applications, getting rid of isolated storage points in the organizational infrastructure. With their help, you can automate software testing, optimize the management of its versions, and increase the responsiveness of the software development life cycle through proven methodologies.

DevOps methodology implementing and supporting without specialists’ help is a complex case and there is a possibility that in this way you will not be able to get benefits from DevOps in full.

Our professionals employ DevOps in accordance with the best modern methods and offer high-quality support for the services provided. Thus, you can be sure that you will get the most tangible benefit from this practice.

Involving our specialists is a brilliant idea in order to start thinking and acting in DevOps paradigm without spending a lot of time and money on it. Working in the same team with you our specialists create a synergy between development and operation teams and help your company focus on what is most important for you - the main company activity.

Dexik is actively implementing DevOps methodology, offering general integration and consulting services:

Maintenance and support

Maintenance and support

Any infrastructure regardless of whether it is on cloud or not requires care monitoring and, as a rule, improvements. Dexik helps customers to manage systems and solve emerging issues to optimize the use of resources, redistribute the capacity, scale, etc. We also configure and support secure environments, remote access and provide security recommendations

Additional Value

Additional Value

Dexik implements automated quality control systems in all software development and maintenance stages. This allows customers to reduce the time for errors detection and correction, as well as significantly speed up the finished product testing

Project Implementation

Project Implementation

Dexik will improve the infrastructure and integrate the necessary technologies, tools and processes to minimize time to market, increase the development and product quality transparency
Creating a Roadmap for IT Optimization

Creating a Roadmap for IT Optimization

Dexik specialists help you identify DevOps technologies and tools that are most suitable and valuable for your product life cycle. We will create the implementation process and technologies roadmap

DevOps Automation

DevOps Automation

After checking the existing settings and creating the ideal workflows we customize and automate your current work plan. By automating the continuous operation process, we prevent risks and increase productivity using reliable open source systems and licensed tools

DevOps Management

DevOps Management

In addition to your processes automation, we help you manage the continuous work process

Continuous Integration (CI)/ Continuous Delivery (CD)

Our DevOps specialists configures Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery based on Jenkins / Hudson using control mechanisms such as Ansible, Chef, Puppet. This improves the quality of the software and shortens the delivery time. As a result, our specialists can use various modules including Docker containers for repositories based on Nexus or Artifactory. For automatic infrastructure and application deployment we use Infrastructure-as-a-Code approach.

Monitoring and backup

Monitoring and backup

Our team helps to organize a proactive approach to support which helps to minimize downtime and improve the service quality. Zabbix, Nagios, Graphite, NewRelic, etc. can be used as tools for infrastructure and forecasting monitoring. Before starting any action DevOps specialists always make a backup which allows you quickly restore the infrastructure with minimal losses in case of unforeseen situations.

Continuous testing

Continuous testing

Get us to set up a continuous automated testing at all stages of applications developing and deploying

Installing third-party software

Installing third-party software

Also, our team can install and configure ready-made third-party solutions:

  • Relational databases (RDB) MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, etc.
  • NoSQL databases  MongoDB, Cassandra и etc.
  • Version control systems (VCS)  Git, Mercurial, Subversion, etc. and related infrastructure
  • File repositories Nexus, Artifactory
  • Search platforms Apache Solr, Elasticsearch, SphinxSearch
  • Message brokers  Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, Apache ActiveMQ, etc.
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Web servers and application servers NGINX, Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, IIS, etc.
  • Project and task management systems including error tracking Atlassian products (JIRA/Confluence/Bamboo), Redmine, etc.
  • and a lot other

/ DevOps
Implementation Proces

The implementation process in our company

guarantees an exceptional quality of developed products

provides transparency of the entire process

gives the customer a full control over his budget

Performing the development process audit

Implementing tools and changing processes

Development processes improvement

Creating Roadmap from “as is” into “to be”

As a result you get:

Time to Market

Time to market reduction through the pipeline development use

Development Team Productivity

High system’s stability in use. Changes are 100% tested and affect productivity predictably.

Risk Reduction

Increase the team effectiveness.

Fault Tolerance

Reduce costs by automating frequent testing iterations in the early development stages

/ DevOps
Tools and Platforms

The key to success while implementing DevOps practices is to measure the impact on your systems and on your digital business. Following are a few important tools and platforms that we use for DevOps Implementation:


Jenkins, Hudson,
TeamCity, Travis

Configuration Management

Chef, Puppet Labs,

Compute Virtualizationt

VMWare, Docker,
AWS, OpenStack

Data Virtualization

Delphix, OpenZFS,

/ DevOps
Consulting Services

Term "DevOps" is relatively new and the majority of people have no idea what they mean. Dexik team is ready to improve your comprehension of the intricacies of DevOps with our consulting services.

Our professionals are highly experienced to help you solve complex problems related with DevOps:


DevOps Virtualization

Virtualization service will help to create a new virtual service that replicates the live service. The requests and responses from virtual service will simulate the live service. This will help testing teams to test early in the development life and they need not wait till the application development is complete. Different project teams will work on different components and assemble to integrate them into one.

With service virtualization:

  • Remove the dependency between developers and testers allowing them to work independently in parallel to each other. This helps teams to deliver applications faster.
  • Reduce testing life cycles and cut costs that will help in ROI for a project.
  • The environment will be stabilized and defects can be identified in earlier stages of process, which will lead towards a higher quality outcome.

DevOps Evaluation

Our DevOps consulting services include your DevOps evaluating, checking your existing infrastructure and development plan, identifying unnecessary tasks and determining the right tools set. In addition, we compose a report where we offer automation options, provide DevOps Quotient Scorecard and Continuous Delivery Roadmap


Order the DevOps-audit to get specific information about the current state of the development, testing and operation infrastructure and estimate the expected effect from the implementation of the DevOps methodology.

Our consultants will analyze existing processes, technologies and automation tools. Based on this information we will offer a roadmap for the implementation of DevOps, including technological solutions that will take into account specifics of your team and software products.

Dexik DevOps advisory services help to coordinate the development of applications with the current processes of the IT service groups using technologies that increase efficiency of SDLC process. These technologies include Sprints, continuous integration and continuous deployment.


We will help you analyze and justify the benefits that your organization will get from the continuous delivery technology implementation


Dexik implements and supports the necessary tools for continuous integration, delivery and testing

Additional Features

We help expand DevOps capabilities to consider all your projects specifics

/ Discover how we can help you
achieve your goals